Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby S.

I can't believe that we only have about 9 more weeks until Baby S. makes his arrival!  When you say it like that, it seems like such a short amount of time!!  Before I was pregnant, I never really understood why people talked in "weeks" instead of months.  I never thought I would be one to do that, but now I get it.  Each week is such a change in growth that it's much easier to understand how the baby is developing week by week, rather than month by month.  

My mom and sister hosted such a nice shower for me a few weeks ago.  It was actually really overwhelming to have so many people there from all aspects of my life... childhood, high school, college, now...  it was awesome.  Everyone was SO incredibly generous and I know Baby S. is loved already.

We decided to keep the baby's room green and are not doing a "theme".  We're going to use some great fabric from IKEA for the curtains, some DIY artwork, and passed down things from when J and I were kids.  We put the crib together the other day and love it!  I really think the drawer underneath will be so useful in keeping sheets and such in.  Handy when changing wet sheets in the middle of the night!

We still have a lot to do.  I'd love to have the room basically set before school starts, but not sure if that's going to happen.  We'll see!

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